2024 NSW Winter Junior Open July 27 & 28 at the SOP Sports Hall with NSW U13 and U17 State teams selection

Hi everyone,

Please find following the 2024 NSW Winter Junior Open information.  The NSW U13 and U17 state team selection will be part of the Winter Junior tournament.  The conditions of selection in the respective state teams is in the application forms below:



The NSW Junior Winter Open event will be on 27 & 28July at the Sydney Olympic Park Sports Hall. We look forward to your participation as a player, technical official or event personnel for the Badminton NSW sanctioned tournament.

Please note Badminton Australia Bylaws for Eligibility

•                 2.2.3 U17 – players must be above the age of 12 as of 1st of January and under the age of 17 years as of the 31st of December in the year of the Championships

•                 2.2.5 U13 – players must be above the age of 9 as of 1st January and under the age of 13 years as of the 31st of December in the year of the Championships

The 2024 NSW Winter Junior Open online registration is on TournamentSoftware.com


Please make sure you include your unique Tournament Software Identification Id (TS Id) to ensure that national ranking points are correctly awarded for your results.  If you do not have a TS Id, we will apply for this on your behalf. 

All NSW tournament registrations have to be paid by PayPal before the closing date. There will be no exceptions to this rule.  As you will receive confirmation of your online entry directly from Tournaments Software for your registration, there will not be further confirmation correspondence from the Badminton NSW Tournament Committee.

Special Online Entry Requirements Reminder:

1.     All players must have an ID number in Tournament software (TS). This TS Member ID must be correct (i.e. ID should start with NSW for NSW players, ACT for ACT players or a 4-5-digit number for players who have a BWF Id).

2.     If players have more than one TS Member ID they should use the most recent one to ensure that national ranking points are correctly awarded.

3.     For players who do not have an ID, please Enter NSWXXX where XXX is your Initials.  You will receive an Id at or after the tournament.

4.      All players must have the “State” and “Country” fields completed on the online entry form (viz. NSW & AUSTRALIA) at the “Personal Details” section after the step 1- Regulations and before Step 3- “Entry Details”

5.     If you fail to fill in the above details in the enrolment form, player’s results will be rejected by the BA tournament software and will not be recorded in the rankings database. Badminton NSW holds no responsibilities of the relevant tournament results by player to Badminton Australia if the above details are not compliant in the online Tournament Software enrolment form.

Thank you for your continued support to ensure another successful event.

Best regards,

Carolyn Toh

Badminton NSW

 Additional Badminton Australia Notes

•                5.3 U15/U17 ADDENDUM 5.3.1 It is highly recommended that where a child is 12 years or younger but competing in the U15 and/or U17 age group, that a parent or guardian travels and stays with each individual child for the duration of the Championships (team & individual events). Where a parent/guardian is unable to travel with their child(ren), States and Territories should ensure that permission in writing has been provided by a parent/guardian for their child(ren) to travel and stay with another adult.


•                5.4 U13 ADDENDUM 5.4.1 It is highly recommended that a parent or guardian travels and stays with each individual child for the duration of the Championships (team & individual events). Where a parent/guardian is unable to travel with their child(ren), States and Territories should ensure that permission in writing has been provided by a parent/guardian for their child(ren) to travel and stay with another adult.

•                5.4.2 It is highly recommended that U13 teams do not stay together as a team in any type of shared accommodation, the recommendation is for players and parents/guardians to travel and stay together individually. Where a state or territory does decide to stay together as a team, clause 2.9 of Annexure B of the BA National Integrity Framework Child Safeguarding Policy should be observed at all times. The policy can be accessed via https://www.Badminton.org.au/integrity-resources/.

•                5.4.3 For all U13 matches in both team events and individual events there is to be no courtside coaching during play. Coaching can only occur at the end of each game. (No coaching in between points and during the 11-point interval).